Gallery Home » Gallery » Large Displays 1921 on columns.JPGnumbers carved in ice2001 CASTLE.jpgice castleAtlas 1.JPGatlas ice carving cripple creekAtlas 7.JPGBlocky bar 2.jpgBlocky bar 3.jpgCANDLABRA.jpgcandle fountain display 2.jpgcarriage 3.jpgCASTLE 6 BLOCKS SIDE VIEW.gifcastle 10 blocks blue.jpgCASTLE IX CENTER 55 BLOCKS.gifCASTLE METROPARKS 3 ARCHWAYS.gifCASTLE YELLOW DUCK.JPGCelebration large 3 blocks.JPGCHRISTMAS TREE 7 BLOCK.JPGdia thinker aaron.jpgDRAGON MEDINA.JPGDSCN8310.JPGeagle acf logo 2.jpgEAGLE ASHLAND.JPGice carving eagleEAGLE HEAD ASHLAND.JPGice carving eagle headeagles,2000.JPGnumbers eagles ice carvingGAZEBO FRONT VIEW.JPGice sculpture gazeboIMG_1733.JPGice carving american bald eagleIMG_2276.JPGice carving dragon new york state fairIMG_2281.JPGice carving kangaroosIMG_3723.JPGice carving political statement the american dream republican national convention democtraticIMG_3737.JPGIMG_3927.JPGpterodactyl ice carving new york state fair IMG_3971.JPGt-rex head ice carving new york state fairIMG_4112.JPGIMG_4114 (2).JPGt rex head new york state fairIMG_4114.JPGIMG_4117.JPGt-rex new york state fair ice carvingIMG_4210.JPGice carving make a wishIMG_4257.JPGice carving lion headIMG_4925.JPGmenorah 7 blocks.jpgmenorah ice carvingMermaid 7.jpegmermaid ice carving ice sculptureMICHELOB.GIFwords in iceMotorcycle 2.JPGice carving motorcycle harley davidsonMotorcycle.JPGice carving motorcycle harley davidsonneptune and sea horse 1.JPGice carving neptuneneptune and sea horse 2.JPGice carving neptuneneptune and sea horse 5.JPGice carving mythical sea horseneptune and sea horse 7.JPGice carving neptunenike 2.jpgnike shoe ice carvingnike 5.jpgnike shoe ice carvingny fair 1.jpgOctopus - ice carving.JPGoctopus ice carvingParrot.jpgPegasus.JPGpegasus ice carvingpiano 1.jpgbaby grand piano ice carvingpiano 2.jpgbaby grand piano ice carvingPlymouth ice carving 1.JPGsea horse ice carvingPlymouth ice carving 2.JPGfish ice carving plymouth michiganPlymouth ice carving 3.JPGPlymouth ice carving 4.JPGeskimo photo op ice carving plymouth michiganPlymouth ice carving 5.JPGminion ice carving plymouth michiganPlymouth ice carving 6.JPGminions ice carving plymouth michiganPlymouth ice carving 7.JPGhockey ice carving plymouth michiganPlymouth ice carving 8.JPGhockey ice carving plymouth michiganPlymouth ice carving 9.JPGputt putt ice carving plymouth michiganPlymouth ice carving 10.JPGputt putt ice carving plymouth michiganPlymouth ice carving 12.JPGdinosaur photo op ice carving plymouth michiganPlymouth ice carving 13.JPGice throne ice carving plymouth michiganpresidential seal with eagles.jpgpresidential seal eagles ice carvingrhino frosty.jpgrhinoceros ice carvingrussian palace 7 ice carving.JPGrussian palace ice carving library of congressSleigh and reindeer.JPGsleigh and reindeer ice carvingStars 5.jpgstar ice carvingsSuper bowl ice carving new york skyline 13 small.jpgsuper bowl ice carving new york skylineswan sleigh.JPGswan sleigh ice carvingVeggies frozen in ice pyramid 3.JPGnestle food pyramid ice carvingWATER SLIDE.jpg